Nü-metal and El Corazón

Yesterday I got to know one more concert venue in Seattle: the El Corazón. Those driving by I-5 in Seattle downtown have probably noticed it many times: it's a small building that contains two concert venues, the El Corazón, which is the larger one, and the Funhouse (which I have been before), both with the same owner. Both of them give me the same vibe as the Liquid Death water: it's decorated to look scary, but it's actually a perfectly fine concert venue.

Inside, the venue is not too big but not small either, it doesn't get too hot and it seems to be in good shape. One nice thing is that the El Corazón has a small balcony, which is really convenient for people who are not too tall to have a good view of the stage. The employees are quite nice: the barman gave me a free coke, for example.

Yesterday night they were showing a Nü-metal concert: it's a subgenre of heavy metal characterized by mixing alternative metal with some other genres like rap and reggae. To start things, a small local band (that I didn't catch the name unfortunately) played for a little bit with a combination of heavy metal, rap and DJ'ing which was quite cool. That was followed by the opener, Hed PE, which is a band that combines heavy metal with reggae in a very interesting fashion: I liked their music quite a lot.

But the best was really the headliner: Nonpoint. This band combined an aggressive sound with aggressive lights and created quite a spectacle. The band members had lots of energy which was reflected in the crowd, with a pretty active mosh pit (but not violent, people were just pushing each other, as I verified myself). The vocals were loud and screaming, always paired with powerful sound and building up to some intense moments when everybody would go crazy. This is the kind of performance for which watching live is essential: you only get the full experience by being there and feeling the whole thing cascading on you. To sum up: it was awesome.


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