Kayaking: Lake Sutherland

Lake Sutherland is a wonderful little lake hidden in the middle of the Olympic Peninsula. Not many people know about it, and not only it is a beautiful place surrounded by trees, but also it has a very convenient public boat launch. And it was there that I put my kayak on the water two weeks ago, to spend some very pleasant couple of hours paddling through the calm waters. At the beginning, there was a thin drizzle, but it didn't bother at all and on the other hand it made so that I had an entire lake just for myself. In fact, it was pretty to see the rain drops falling on the surface of the water, and fortunately there was no wind whatsoever. The waters were very transparent, and I could see many fishes and aquatic vegetation, and also some very shallow parts of the lake (there were a number of buoys warning the boats to not come close, but my kayak is perfect for shallow waters). Everything was so calm that I could see deer roaming the empty lake houses at the margins. It was a very pleasant and relaxing way to spend an afternoon, and if you ever pass by the Northern Olympic Peninsula and want a calm place to check the waters, I could not recommend this lake enough.


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