New Experience: Indoor Skydiving

Yesterday I tried indoor skydiving for the first time, and it was quite fun! I did it at iFly, a company that provides those "flights" in many places in the country. It works this way: basically you have a really big vertical tube, with the approximate diameter of a large hot tub and as high as a four story building. Then, at the base of the tube (but outside of it) you have really powerful fans that make the air flow upwards in the tube at the speed of 85 mph (135 km/h). The middle section of the tube is made of thick plexiglass and it has a door. It also has a strong net where you can walk on if needed.

You put on a flight suit, a helmet, goggles and ear protection in order to do your flight. Before entering the tube, you are told about some gestures that the instructor will use (you cannot go solo until you make a number of initial flights) in order to tell you to assume the right posture: legs bent (but not too much), arms in front of you and head up. You wait for your turn and "fall" through the door into the tube and you immediately feel the force of all that air. The instructor holds you in place until you assume a stable posture, and then he proceeds to take you around the tube, spinning around and going up and down.

It really feels like flying! Additionally, I have done actual skydiving, and I can say that it gives the same feeling as when you're in free fall after jumping from the airplane. You stay in the tube for one minute and I can say that, at least to me, it felt like a very short minute (typically iFly sells two flights at a time, so you can enjoy a little bit more). To summarize, I liked it very much and I recommend the experience to everybody.


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