Tractor Tavern and... That One Guy

Yesterday I could do something quite fun: watch a live concert of... That One Guy. I watched him once before, but this time around his show was even better at the environment of the Tractor Tavern, so I decided that it was worth of blogging about it. The Tractor Tavern is a small-ish concert venue in Ballard (a really cool neighborhood in Seattle) that feels very intimate but has great sound and light effects. On the other hand, "That One Guy", as the name implies, is a one man band that uses a special electronic instrument that he crafted himself to make some very otherworldly and esoteric kind of music. He combines that with videos that he displays in the big screens behind him (and some of the videos actually interact with the live performance of the music) plus some more effects and even some magic tricks to make quite a show. To summarize: I think it's the closest I'll ever come to know how it feels to have LSD without actually having LSD. It was an amazing night of music and wonder, and I'm very happy I could watch him. He tours around the country every year: if you manage to hear about an upcoming concert, I highly recommend checking it out.


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