New Experience: The... "Chizza"?

The fast food chain formerly known as "Kentucky Fried Chicken" and now known simply as "KFC" from time to time releases a new dish that's patently absurd, in order to get free press and free advertisement for its restaurants. Just recently, it did just that by creating the... "chizza". The name comes from the fact that it is a "pizza" but instead of being made with pizza dough, it's made with... fried chicken. Basically, they get a somewhat flat and somewhat round piece of fried chicken (a big chunk of white meat, like a nugget), cover it with marinara sauce, put some cheese on top and then some pepperoni slices, to make it look like a "pizza". To finalize, they cut it in four slices.

Yesterday I tried it out myself. It's not too bad... their fried chicken is good (nothing particularly good, but good enough) and the toppings are nice. It feels a little bit like a confusing mix of flavors, but it's not bad. I wouldn't get out of my way to have it, though. I think that the best that can be said about it is that it is worth a try, and probably you will not remember to ask for it again later. Anyways... you can take your own conclusions.


  1. Parece saboroso para mim, como se fosse frango à parmegiana com pepperoni...


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