Mt Rainier Natl Park: the other Green Lake

Everybody that lives in Seattle knows about the Green Lake park, one of best places to be on a sunny weekend. What most people don't know, though, is that there is another Green Lake, deep into Mount Rainier National Park. This lake is even more beautiful given that it is surrounded by the pristine nature of the National Park, one that I particularly love. There is a nice trail to get there, and yesterday I took it. The lake is in one of the lower parts of Mount Rainier and at this point of the year it was free of snow - in fact, the trail was in perfect shape. When I got to the trailhead in the morning it wasn't raining but there was a little bit of fog, and it stayed like that the rest of the day. That was actually very nice: it gave a mysterious feeling to the forest and the lake, with a diffuse light everywhere. As a bonus, in the middle of the trail there is a viewpoint for a gorgeous waterfall. All in all, it was a great way to start the hiking season this year.


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