Urban Exploration: Encampments by I-5 in Seattle

Back in the 60's, when I-5 was built right smack in the middle of Seattle, it created a big trench in the center of the city, without thinking much of the existing city blocks. This resulted that the city has some "ragged edges" next to the highway. A number of homeless people create encampments in those irregular shaped spots given that they can provide some seclusion: they open narrow trails between the blackberry bushes and find small spaces where they can put together a tent, some tarps and whatever small belongings they may have. Some go further and open holes in the fence separating the city from the highway lanes, and put their tents next to the interstate, even though that is dangerous. I found these hidden encampments close to the Kobe Terrace, which is a beautiful park next to the highway. Some of the encampments had people in them, some others had been recently cleared. There were also some objects left, showing that the people there may have left in a hurry. I hope and pray that they can all find better shelter.


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