The World Famous Forks High School

I never read any of the "Twilight" books (and I don't intend to) neither have I watched any of the movies (and I don't intend to). However, I have to admit that they were best-sellers, and there is a big following around them all over the world. I know enough about the books to know that they are set in the small town of Forks, on the northwest side of the Olympic Peninsula. Today, on the way to the Hoh rainforest (see the next post) we passed by there and I decided that I might as well stop by the famous high school where the main characters met. It was an uninviting morning, with a unique mix of rain, snow and wind all at the same time, so Jenn and the kids decided they would stay in the car and just look at the pictures later. The high school is like any other high school in Washington state, well built but with nothing particularly remarkable. Nevertheless, every year when the city hosts its Twilight Festival, a whole bunch of loving teenagers comes here to feel all the love that they read in the books. A detail: this is not the school that shows up in the movies, I guess to save money they shot the movie at a school in Vancouver, BC (I can see an executive in Los Angeles saying "all schools look alike, just make sure we don't show a picture of Queen Elizabeth").


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