West of Lenin and "Uncle Mike Ruins Christmas"

Seattle is blessed with having a number of live action theaters: from the fancy and huge ones (like the Paramount) to the tiny theaters that feel kinda improvised. I've been to a number of those last ones, and they can be cute, with its own charm. One such theater is the West of Lenin theater: it's called that because it is situated a little bit west from the famous statue of Lenin in the Seattle neighborhood of Fremont. I always wanted to get to know it, and this Saturday I did just that. They were staging "Uncle Mark Ruins Christmas", which is an improv show: before it starts, the public gets to write on pieces of paper some Christmas memories, and then the troupe takes that as a starting point for improvisation, usually ending in some hilarious situations. The theater is truly small: I've seen living rooms that were bigger, and it only has two rows of seats. But, for an improv show, that works: you feel like you're just sitting down with the actors. All in all, it is a very cute theater and "Uncle Mike" is hilarious: there are still some performances left before the actual Christmas. In the pictures below, as a bonus, I'm adding a couple of pictures of Seattle at night close to the Fremont bridge.


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