My First Terrarium

As part of a morale event at the company I'm working for, I built my first terrarium today. I received in the mail the materials needed: a glass bowl, some dirt, moss and an actual, live plant, a succulent. In a Zoom meeting with a terrarium maker (it was a virtual morale event) she taught us how to put it together and I made what you can see in this picture. An interesting detail: the bright green stuff is actually live moss. Included in the materials there were some little decorations: a crystal and a tiny koala statue, which you can see in the front. Because this is a plant that actually prefers little water, I should only water it once a month. Not bad for a first attempt!


  1. Excited to see your blog! Hot tip, I would give this plant more sun than you think (think sunniest place you can possibly find), otherwise it grows leggy and terrible. If that happens, you can behead the leggy part and it will regrow!


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