Creating my own blog!

Many of you who are my friends on Facebook have seen my posts there, about all the fun stuff that I like to do and all the things that I've discovered and tried. That worked really well when Facebook was popular, but these days are going away: a lot of people no longer go to Facebook or even got out of it for good. As such, I hear quite often when I tell somebody that I posted some nice pictures of a place I've been that "Yeah, I need to check it on Facebook" or "I need to ask a friend to show me them on Facebook".

In fact, some of my friends have already suggested me, "dude, you need to start your own blog!" Well, I decided to finally listen to that and start doing that now. After all, I'm claiming to be the guy who tries do stuff that I haven't done before, and I haven't kept a blog before, therefore I should follow my own preachings and start one. 🙂

So, from now on I'm going to post all my stories and discoveries here. I'm still going to make a note on Facebook, but I'll just post there a link to my latest blog entry. This way, those who are no longer on Facebook but would like to know what I've been up to can check it out here. In any case, as in many previous times in my life, this is an experiment as well: hopefully it goes well, but if it doesn't, then I learned something new and I can move on to the next experiment. We'll see!


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