
Showing posts from September, 2023

Bumbershoot 2023!

"Bumbershoot" is the name of a famous music and art festival that happens every Labor Day weekend in Seattle, since the early 70's. I went to it once in my first years in the US, but it was a terrible experience: it got cold early and I wasn't dressed for that, I had injured my foot previously therefore I could barely walk, so I don't think it really counted as my first experience in it. Also, in recent years Bumbershoot was in crisis, lacking an idea about what it should be, losing lots of money not being very sure what it should be about, and finally it just hasn't happened since COVID-19. So it felt like a great first experience yesterday when I could actually go to Bumbershoot and enjoy myself, and the festival was back, with new organizers, a renewed focus on art and music of all kinds, and a glorious sunny and warm day to top it all off. The idea of the festival is to be a really tasty all you can eat buffet of art in many forms: live music, sculpture, p