
Showing posts from May, 2023

Catching up: Seahurst Park

Recently I started a new job and as such I've been spending most of my time ramping up on the new work. As a consequence, the blog lagged behind a bit, but now that things are better settled I have time to catch up on the fun things I've done since then. One particularly interesting outing was an urban hike at Seahurst Park, a lovely park in Burien right next to the Puget Sound. I went there after some days of rain, and as you may imagine there were lots of mud in the trails. But that's what makes an adventure more fun! There were some beautiful views from the park and you could see how nature used to have been before settlers came to the Puget Sound. I can only imagine how breathtaking the Puget Sound must have looked like before all the big cities were built and nature reigned supreme. Nevertheless, I'm extremely grateful that we have little spots such as this park to catch a glimpse of that beautiful natural landscape.